How To Get Rid Of Permanent Pimples? Its Cause, Prevention and Treatment

How To Get Rid Of Permanent Pimples?

Pimples are a type of acne that is harmless on the skin or body. It occurs when the skin’s oil glands produce too much oil or sebum which leads to clogged pores. Pimples can be temporary or permanent. Permanent pimples can be painful as it is one of the most difficult kinds of pimples to get rid of. This kind of pimples forms when dead skin cells or oils or bacteria make the pore clogged. Such pimples include nodules or costs which are often deeper, larger, and inflamed.

Causes of Permanent Pimples

Some of the causes of permanent pimples are:

Excessive Oil Production

This is when the body produces lots of oil or sebum. The sebaceous gland of the skin produces sebum, an oily or waxy substance that protects and moisturizes the skin. When it is in excess, it can lead to a greasy surface and clogged pores that lead to pimples.

Hormonal change

The rise in androgen level can cause changes in the skin level activity and inflammation. Hormones like Testosterone (a male hormone) which is responsible for the physical development of males and also have an effect of increased sebum production. In women, estrogen(a female hormone) may increase especially during the menstrual period, pregnancy period, or after using birth control pills.


How can bacteria cause pimples? Well, a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes is a tiny microbe that lives on the oily part of the skin. It is a major cause of pimples. The bacteria use sebum as a source of penetration and source of energy to cause clogged pores and inflammation. 


  Certain drugs like anti-epileptic drugs, antidepressant drugs, anti-tuberculosis drugs, B vitamins, lithium, barbiturates, corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, androgenic steroids, and medications that contain bromides or iodine can increase pimple development. These medications increase yeast proliferation within hair follicles or affect the immune system.


Whenever a person undergoes physical or emotional or mental or psychological stress, there is a stress-related hormone is released. This hormone is called Corticotrophin-releasing hormone or CRH. The CRH binds to receptors in the skin’s sebaceous gland which increases the skin’s oil production. This causes inflammation that makes the immune response exacerbate swelling or redness.

Prevention of Permanent Pimple

How to remove pimple permanently? The best thing to do is to prevent the occurrence of pimples on the skin. Check the following prevention out.

Avoid touching the face

Touching the face can introduce dirt or germs to the face. This can end up clogging the pores. So, before you touch the face, wash your hands thoroughly.

Regular washing

Washing the face or skin regularly with soap and water will help to prevent pimples. A gentle cleanser can be used to keep the pores open to prevent the build-up of dead skin cells.

Choose the skin products carefully

Opting for gentle, oil-free products called Noncomedogenic will help in the prevention. Ensure the details of the facial products are read.

Treatment of Permanent Pimple

Treatment occurs when the pimple has occurred on the skin. The following treatment can be done:

Creams and Ointments

Use creams that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur is recommended. Or use hydrocortisone cream paired with benzoyl peroxide. It helps to reduce redness and inflammation. Use moisturizer or cream infused with aloe vera, neem, and tulsi. This keeps the face hydrated and nourished. It also helps to inhibit bacterial growth, reduce sebum production, and unclog pores. Topical gels or creams also help to unblock pores. The use Alcohol acts as an anti-bacterial agent to remove oils from the skin.

Ice Packs or Cubes

It is done by washing the area gently. Put the ice cubes in clean clothes. Place the wrapped ice cubes on the surface of the skin for 30 seconds to 1-minute intervals. This process helps to reduce inflammation and pains. It also helps to reduce swelling and redness.

Warm Compress

Soak a washcloth in warm water, and apply it to the surface for ten to fifteen minutes. Do it severally in a day. It helps to make the pimple open by creating a head that allows the sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria to leave the skin.

Vitamin-infused creams

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. It is an anti-oxidant and also has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce redness and swelling. It helps to reduce hyperpigmentation. It helps to reduce inflammation. It helps to increase skin cell growth to heal the scars. It also smoother the skin.

Vitamin E helps to prevent bacterial growth and spread. Vitamin D helps to keep the bone strong which helps in the development of healthy skin. Retinoids also work well with antibiotics for pimple treatment. 

Visit a dermatologist

It is advisable to visit the dermatologist if the condition persists. Let the specialist give you what will make it heal fast. Ensure the prescription is adhered to.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are pimples and acne the same?

Well, there are not the same. Acne is a disease that causes pimples to grow on the face, chest, shoulders, and upper back. Pimple is small growths on the skin surface.

When is it recommended to see the dermatologist?

If the pimples are deep and long-lasting. Or when it is not responding to treatments. Or when the pimple is becoming mild.

What type of creams can one use?

Use Vitamin-based creams like vitamin-A creams, Vitamin-D creams, Vitamin-C creams, Zinc-infused creams, and sulfur-infused creams.

How To Get Rid Of Permanent Pimples?

Cleanup your face twice in a day. Keep your face moisturizer every time. Avoid hunk food and drink a lot of water every day.

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